If you have a specific question or comment about negotiations, send an email directly to our current chief negotiator(s) at negotiations@aft1828.org. We will do our best to get back to you in 48-72 hours.
March 17, 2025
Dear Faculty,
Today, AFT Local 1828 sent a letter to Board Chair Torres and to Chancellor MacLennan declaring an impasse on the Compressed Calendar negotiations. What this means is that after a good faith effort to reach agreement with the district, AFT feels there is little to no progress on reaching an agreement with the district. In essence, we are at a standstill on major key issues. California law requires that we engage in mediation after reaching impasse, and AFT Local 1828 is hopeful that with the support of a state mediator we will resolve the current impasse and make greater progress for the benefit of students and our community.
Faculty colleagues, I ask you to take direct action by writing our board members and/or attending a board meeting in April and May and making public comments which address the issues that do not currently have movement:
Compensation for teaching more student contact hours: If some faculty teach more student contact hours during a compressed calendar than they would throughout a traditional calendar, they should be compensated. In the last survey, the majority of faculty members stated that they would not ratify the contract if faculty were not compensated for the additional student contact hours.
Additional contract days for counseling faculty: AFT brought forward the concerns gathered from our non-classroom survey specifically about counselors and the compressed calendar. AFT requested two contract days per month for counselors to collaborate with instructional faculty, academic programs, university/community partners, and college district partners (e.g institutional effectiveness, Program Mapper, Degreeworks, etc). Instead, the district will only offer a stipend workgroup for non-classroom to address converting to a compressed calendar.
This group will be an extra hourly assignment where counselors must apply, not reassigned time or additional hours within their 35-hour work week.
This is in lieu of contract language that protects the rights of counseling faculty and ensures their ability to provide the best service to our students.
AFT refuses to settle for only this after witnessing how the Remote Work Pilot ended last fall. To date, the district has still not provided data that supports ending remote work possibilities for non-classroom faculty.
ARTICLE THREE - Stipend for converting to a compressed calendar: AFT proposes a one-time payout for faculty to convert their courses to a compressed calendar. The district merely offers $500 to full-time faculty and a pro-rated amount to part-time faculty of the $500 offer according to the faculty member’s load. This means full time faculty would only be compensated $500 to convert all of their classes to the compressed calendar. Part time faculty would only be compensated a pro-rated amount of $500 in total, depending on their load. It seems that the district does not acknowledge the enormous amount of effort faculty will use to redesign classes, create longer class sessions, and develop the additional instructional hours to provide quality education to our students. They state, “It’s already your job”.
Scheduling short-term classes: The district continues to strike out the formula in the contract for calculating short-term course class lengths. Their rationale is that they don’t want to lose flexibility, yet the formula allows for the flexibility they desire.
Weekly Student Contact Hours: The district proposes including language within the new Appendix focused on scheduling that would obscure the fact that faculty are teaching more student contact hours in a compressed calendar than in a traditional one.
AFT Local 1828 has asked Board Chair Torres and Chancellor MacLennan to contact the California State Mediation and Conciliation Office to arrange the mediator so we may work together to establish a timeline to start mediation. We are eager to reach an agreement about the compressed calendar with Ventura County Community College District, while maintaining and defending faculty rights and offering the best educational opportunities for our students.
While AFT Local 1828 is optimistic about reaching agreement with the district through mediation, if that effort fails, the mediator will release both parties and then the parties move to the stage of fact finding. In the fact finding stage, a three-person impartial panel will convene and conduct a hearing. At this hearing, both parties present their arguments and data. The panel will then deliberate and issue the fact-finding report with non-binding recommendations to the Board of Trustees for which the Board can accept as-is, or accept it with modifications, reject the whole report outright, or order its District team back to the negotiations table with AFT for further attempt(s). One final option for the District would be to impose the District’s last and final offer on the faculty. The three-person panel is comprised of one person chosen by AFT Local 1828, one person chosen by the district, and one person who both parties agree to who is a neutral, independent fact-finding panel chairperson from a list of qualified labor relations professionals supplied by the state. If both parties cannot agree, then a neutral chairperson will be assigned. The state collective bargaining law requires that once the fact-finding report is issued, the parties must meet at least one more time to see if they can reach a negotiated settlement based on the report.
It is really important as union members that you stand up for your union brothers and sisters who may be harmed by some of the items we have listed. We encourage you to write letters to the Chancellor and to the Board of Trustees requesting their negotiations team work in good faith to reach agreement on these issues. Also AFT is requesting faculty attend the April and May Board of Trustees meetings to make public comments before the CLOSED SESSION agenda item to address the Board on the items in this email.
Let’s speak up, take action, and let our voices be heard.
In Unity,
Teresa Bonham
AFT Local 1828 President
AFT & VCCCD Major CBA Reopener Negotiations Sunshine Letters
Below are the sunshine letters from both AFT 1828 and the Ventura County Community College District that include the articles both sides propose to bargain during this next round of negotiations. Those should begin once the Compressed Calendar Negotiations conclude.
March 6, 2025
Good Morning Faculty,
AFT is approaching the conclusion of the compressed calendar negotiations and we may need our members to send a clear message to the district that instructional faculty will not be forced to work additional hours without compensation. This could lead to mobilization and action.
On February 24 and February 26, AFT received the missing puzzle pieces needed to calculate the length of a single class session when converting to a compressed calendar. The California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) provided both the district and AFT with the formula and process that must be used so that the district will not lose apportionment. What we learned was shocking. Instructional faculty will be required to teach more overall hours in one semester for a compressed calendar than they currently teach in a traditional 17.5-week semester. The overage will not be consistent across the district or courses.
Those assigned five fully face-to-face 3-hour courses (whether lecture, lab, or a combination) will teach 9.5 hours more in a compressed calendar than in a traditional one
Those assigned five fully face-to-face 4-hour courses (whether lecture, lab, or a combination) will teach 18 hours more in a compressed calendar than in a traditional one
Those assigned two fully face-to-face 3-hour courses (whether lecture, lab, or a combination) will teach almost 4 hours more in a compressed calendar than in a traditional one
Those assigned two fully face-to-face 4-hour courses (whether lecture, lab, or a combination) will teach over 7 hours more in a compressed calendar than in a traditional one
As negotiations began last spring, AFT was concerned that faculty who teach in programs and courses that would remain teaching in a traditional calendar would teach more hours than their colleagues who transitioned to a compressed calendar. As negotiations progressed, we became concerned about faculty who teach short-term courses. However, the hours faculty will teach each semester in a compressed calendar calculate to be much more than an “extra five minutes per class” when totaled for the overall semester. Some courses will be scheduled over the maximum target hours of Title 5.
To provide a more precise understanding of how the state’s formula will impact instructional faculty work hours in a sixteen-week semester, the team worked diligently these past few days to create the documents below to better illustrate how class lengths will be converted.
AFT encourages you to review the sample schedules created from actual load sheets this semester. The only changes made were that class sessions were scheduled as fully face-to-face with no online components. Each faculty member should calculate how many extra hours you might work in a compressed calendar. In a compressed calendar, some scheduling patterns produce more extreme additional hours than others. Some faculty will only see a few extra hours, whereas others see more extreme increases. This is dependent on the unit values of the courses an instructor is assigned and the weekly student contact hours for the course.
Later this morning, union members will receive an invitation to complete the AFT 1828 Compressed Calendar Survey #4 in the email provided to for member communication. This completely anonymous survey will capture our members’ feedback about this major issue and the last remaining items we are negotiating. The team must know what our members want us to prioritize. There will be a quick turnaround for the survey, which will close Wednesday, March 12 at midnight.
As another means of gathering feedback and answering questions, the union will hold an emergency AFT Know What’s Up this coming Monday, March 10 at 7:30 PM through Zoom. Please contact the union office at adminassistant@aft1828.org to retrieve the address.
In their response, the official from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office wrote, “One other thing to mention is that while the target hours on the course outline of record state 52.5 (based on the TLM 17.5* 3 hours per week), the actual scheduled hours for a traditional calendar district with two 18-week semesters for a 3-unit course is 54 hours (18*3=54). 54 hours is always the starting point in the scheduling calculation for a compressed calendar district.”
Before this statement, the official explained the formula:
Scheduling Patterns under a Compressed Calendar
To determine the appropriate meeting length for a course in a compressed calendar district, the following calculation should be used:
54 hours / TLM = target weekly hours
Target Weekly hours / number of meeting days = target hours for each course meeting.
These hours should be rounded to the next appropriate scheduling option based on the contact hour computation table.
So for a 3-unit course at Ventura it would be 54 / 16.7 = 3.233
Rounded to 3.3 for one meeting per week
Example: M 8:00-11:05 AM
If you divide 3.3 by 2 days/week = 1.65,
So you would round to 1.7 hours per class meeting
Example: M W 8:00-9:25am
AFT is waiting to finalize a date to meet with the district next week. The team will continue to revise our final proposals to reflect this new formula and member feedback. We remain committed to advocating for the best possible contract for our members. Please complete the survey as soon as possible and be ready to take action if necessary.
February 19, 2025
Good afternoon faculty.
The Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team met with the district three times last week (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday) in hopes of finishing the work. AFT regrets to inform our members that we remain stuck in the same place with the district as we were when we agreed to push the start date for the compressed calendar this past September. The only change is that we now have the District’s formula, but their instructional experts on their team refuse to provide the state guidelines and rationale they are using to defend it.
What factors must be included when creating a formula to convert the length of a class session from a traditional calendar to a compressed academic calendar? What rules no longer apply for converting to a compressed calendar now that the new Standardized Attendance Accounting Method will go into effect? The district's experts on instruction insist on a formula that would cause members to work more total hours in a semester than they currently work in a traditional semester, pointing to an AP they themselves do not understand. When we use guidance they provide to create a counter proposal, they state, “That is not what we meant, we mean this” or “that is not what that means.” It has been an endless merry-go-round for the past eleven months.
The most significant sticking points for AFT center around the use of the Term Length Multiplier to calculate class lengths and the total hours of instruction.
Term Length Multiplier
According to the SAAM Addendum (p. 9 under heading at the top, 3rd line from bottom) “Term Length Multipliers (TLM) are inclusive of all days of instruction, final exam days, and approved flex days (the TLM for a college is determined as part of compressed calendar application process).
According to the Standardized Attendance Accounting Method FAQs memo published by the California Community College Chancellors Office and revised on January 15, 2025, the state instructs districts to use their TLM to determine appropriate scheduling patterns. The district insists on leaving the TLM out of the formula.
If a TLM is not used in the formula to convert class lengths, how will instructional faculty be compensated if required flex hours become “in addition to” rather than a part of the included hours of our current contractual commitment? See section 9.3.B of the current CBA.
According to the Standardized Attendance Accounting Regulations Updates presentation, to the Standardized Attendance Accounting Method FAQs, and the Standardized Attendance Accounting Regulations Updates:
The new state funding formula will no longer use hours to calculate apportionment, but rather units. Also, according to the guidance, state colleges shall require a minimum of 48 hours for one credit hour of community college work.
This is a major change considering districts will receive maximum apportionment based on the number of units, not the number of hours. Yet, the district’s instructional experts insist we must schedule at a minimum of 52.5 hours or more for one credit hour of work, resulting in instructors teaching more hours for a compressed calendar than we teach in a traditional calendar.
Faculty Concerns
Unknown minimum and maximum teaching hours
Inconsistent scheduling formats
Impact on teaching load/PAL
Our team leaves the table each time with the same questions:
Why put the compressed calendar on hold only to ignore the new state guidance, which was the very reason we agreed to postpone it in the first place?
How can AFT 1828 negotiate when the district refuses to agree or settle on the guidance we must follow to convert our work hours? Is this a strategy or are there misunderstandings?
AFT 1828 has agreed to invite one or more officials from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to answer questions about the new state guidance. Our hope is to clear up any misconceptions so both sides can agree and move forward. AFT is coordinating with the district to schedule a meeting by the end of next week.
After both teams meet with the state official(s), AFT will resume bargaining with the district to determine if we can move forward with these negotiations. We will keep you posted.
We are the first community college district in the state to negotiate a contract with the new Standardized Attendance Accounting Method. Considering the numerous experts AFT 1828 tapped into from across the state of California to understand the formula and its implications, all eyes will be on the outcome.
In unity,
The AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team, 2025
February 16, 2025
Good Afternoon Faculty,
The voting for the ratification of the Article Three (Salary) Reopener has concluded, and union members voted to accept all of the terms negotiated between the Ventura County Community College District and the Ventura County Federation of College Teachers (AFT Local 1828). The vote resulted in 89% of our members electing to accept the agreement. The tentative agreement will be posted to the AFT 1828 website under “Negotiations Updates”.
Faculty will see their 2% raise and retroactive pay (pay received between July 1, 2024 to January 2025) on the February pay warrant, unless they are only paid only on the hourly schedule in section 3.10.C.(1). This will take an extra month because the changes (or raises) must be manually entered into the system for each of the first four steps of each column that received a raise (see agreement).
Full-time and part-time faculty with a non-contract assignment from Fall 2024 will also receive their one-time payout on the February pay warrant. Faculty with a non-contract assignment in Spring 2025 will receive a one-time payout on their June pay warrant.
AFT’s Compressed Calendar Negotiations team met with the District on January 21 and January 29 to resolve discrepancies we discovered in how specific activity and enhanced lab courses were being loaded and other issues we discovered in faculty load sheets. We have two negotiations meetings set for February 10 and 12. AFT feels we are very close in closing these negotiations.
If you would like to offer input for the upcoming CBA negotiations and missed completing the Major CBA Reopener Survey, AFT 1828 is extending the deadline for submitting the survey until February 21, 2025. It is important all members complete the survey, so we will continue to send reminders to those who do not submit or finish. If for any reason you fail to receive the reminder or cannot locate your initial invitation, please contact me ASAP.
Please allow me to introduce the team for the next negotiations. In addition, we have another interview for a part-time representative scheduled for this week. I will update the membership if there are any additions.
Lee Ballestero – FT Moorpark College (Political Science)
Russell Gardner – FT Ventura College (Automotive Career Education)
Paula Munoz – FT Ventura College (EOPS Coordinator)
Lilia Rubacalva – FT Oxnard College (Math)
Joe Selzler – FT Ventura College (Chemistry)
Angela Wilkinson – PT Moorpark College (Math)
If you have questions or need further clarification, I encourage members to attend the upcoming AFT Know What’s Up meeting at Ventura College on Monday, February 19, 2025 at 3:30 PM in PAC 119 or you may email me directly. If you are not a member, please consider joining the union to participate in the process. Click here to access the online application from our local AFT website.
In unity,
Nathan Cole
Acting Chief Negotiator
January 28, 2025
AFT 1828 held an AFT Know What's Up at Moorpark College on Monday, January 27 at 2:30 PM to field questions about the ratification of the Article Three Reopener, offer updates the Compressed Calendar Negotiations, and to gather input about the upcoming negotiations.
We encourage members to review the presentation from the event, which includes important links to the support documents that were discussed.
January 23, 2025
Good afternoon faculty,
The fires and power outages over the past few weeks continue to pose challenges to the start of the semester for faculty, students, and our communities. AFT 1828 hopes you remain safe through this historic event. If a member has been impacted by the wildfires or if you would like to make a donation to help your union brothers and sisters who’ve been affected, we encourage you to visit CFT’s LA Fires Resources page or the CFT Disaster Relief Fund page.
Since the end of last semester, AFT kept busy advocating for our members and their rights. Over the past month, AFT's Article Three Reopener and Compressed Calendar negotiations teams met with the district numerous times. In addition, the new major CBA team got a head start preparing for the upcoming negotiations.
Before leaving for the break, AFT met with the district on December 13 and December 17 to finish negotiating the reopener for Article Three. We were able to reach a verbal agreement with the district, but spent the last weeks of December before campuses closed, along with these past few weeks, finalizing the written tentative agreement to guarantee all the discussed terms were clear and included.
Unfortunately, AFT could not get the district to move much from their initial proposal, which I mentioned in my last update. However, we were able to achieve the following:
Effective July 1, 2024, a 2% increase to all faculty salary schedules with the exception of the Hourly Assignment Schedule (3.8.C.(1)
Effective July 1, 2024, varying percentage increases for steps one through four of the Hourly Assignment Schedule (3.8.C.(1) to reflect more equitable increment changes
A one-time off-schedule payment from a pool equivalent to 2.5% of the covered bargaining unit’s annual salary will be provided to all faculty employed as of the date of the approval of this agreement
Contract faculty will receive a one-time off-schedule payment of $3094.78
Non-contract faculty, including full-time faculty with non-contract assignments (overload and extra hourly), will receive a one-time off-schedule payment of $1442.29 per 1.0 FTE for their Fall 2024 non-contract load. The exact amount will be prorated based on their Fall 2024 load.
Non-contract faculty, including full-time faculty with non-contract assignments (overload and extra hourly), will receive a one-time off-schedule payment of $1442.29 per 1.0 FTE for their Spring 2025 non-contract load. The exact amount will be prorated based on their Spring 2025 load.
Initially the district offered a one-time 2% payout. However, AFT expressed interest in a more equitable payout like what SEIU negotiated, but it was difficult to accomplish this with the district’s initial offer. The district countered by adding an additional .5% pool to the funds for the one-time payout, which allowed for equitable distribution for all faculty. Most importantly, the team was able to negotiate that full-time faculty would receive a portion of the one-time payout for their part-time work (overload and extra hourly). This was a major accomplishment for AFT, which did not occur in prior negotiations.
Unfortunately, the power outages and wildfires are slowing the process. We will know a new timeline for implementation of the raise, the one-time payouts, and retroactive pay for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 terms soon. We will report this out at the upcoming member meetings. To determine an estimate of non-contract payouts that will occur for fall and spring, please refer to the chart below.
0.2 | $ 1,422.29 | $ 284.46 |
0.3 | $ 1,422.29 | $ 426.69 |
0.4 | $ 1,422.29 | $ 568.92 |
0.5 | $ 1,422.29 | $ 711.15 |
0.6 | $ 1,422.29 | $ 853.37 |
0.667 | $ 1,422.29 | $ 948.67 |
Members will be emailed an invitation to vote on the ratification of the tentative agreement for Article Three (Salary) on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Emails will be sent from Election Buddy to members’ district outlook emails. The voting for the ratification will end promptly on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at midnight.
After our December 11, 2024 negotiations, the co-chiefs for the district requested to meet AFT to discuss how to calculate the length of courses in a compressed calendar. As an exercise, AFT requested the load sheets of fifteen full-time faculty with complicated loads (5 from each campus) to create mock schedules for a compressed calendar. Each side was tasked with using their proposed method.
In our preparation for this meeting, AFT discovered numerous mistakes made in the load sheets, specifically with those faculty who teach labs. With this stated, it is important that all faculty (full and part-time) who teach labs or lecture/labs check their load sheets and work offers to ensure they are receiving the correct load for all activity and enhanced lab courses. In addition, faculty who are assigned cross listed courses or who co-teach courses should check their load sheets and work offers to ensure they have been correctly loaded for all assigned classes.
We have another meeting scheduled with the district for January 22.
In an effort to field questions, offer updates about the two previously mentioned negotiations, and to gather input about the upcoming negotiations, over the coming weeks we will hold three separate “AFT Know What’s Up” meetings at each campus (see schedule below). If you cannot attend in person and would like to join us in Zoom, please email our administrative assistant at adminassistant@aft1828.org for the link.
MOORPARK COLLEGE: Monday, January 27, 2025 at 2:30 PM in HM 121
OXNARD COLLEGE: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 4:00 PM (Location TBA)
VENTURA COLLEGE: Monday, February 19, 2025 at 3:30 PM in PAC 119
If you would like to offer input for the upcoming CBA negotiations and missed completing the Major CBA Reopener Survey, AFT 1828 is extending the deadline for submitting the survey until February 21, 2025. It is important each and every member complete this. Your input will allow AFT to:
identify the best methods to communicate with our members
collect and verify correct contact information for members
target future surveys to specific work groups within the membership
communicate with members who are willing to assist with our organizing campaign
Members who did not complete or finish the survey prior to the holiday break will be sent reminders from Survey Monkey in the email on file with the union. If for any reason you fail to receive the reminder or cannot locate your initial invitation, please contact me ASAP.
If you have questions or need further clarification, I encourage members to attend one of the upcoming AFT Know What’s Up meetings or you may email me directly.
If you are not a member, please consider joining the union to participate in the process. Click here to access the online application from our local AFT website.
It continues to be an honor to advocate for our faculty. AFT 1828 looks forward to your future participation.
In unity,
Nathan Cole
Acting Chief Negotiator
November 25, 2024
Good Afternoon Faculty,
AFT 1828’s various negotiating teams were extremely busy over the past few weeks. Please forgive the long update, but there is quite a bit to share with our membership on three different negotiations.
SEIU Local 99 settled their salary reopener with VCCCD on October 22, 2024 and announced ratification of the agreement on November 14, 2024. SEIU members agreed to the following:
a 2% wage increase
a one-time payout of $2,214 for full-time employees (prorated for part-time employees). In their agreement, it states “this amount represents the equivalent of 2% of the covered bargaining unit’s annual salary divided by the number of FTEs”, meaning the number of full-time employees.
This makes it difficult for AFT to get the district to move. On Monday, November 18, VCCCD’s chief emailed the district’s counter to our last proposal. It included:
a 2% wage increase, rejecting AFT’s proposed 7%
a one-time off-schedule payment equal to 2% of the employee’s annual salary
2% of contract faculty’s 2024-2025 base salary, to be calculated prior to the application of the 2% on-schedule increase
2% of the total pay for non-contract faculty’s Fall 2024 non-contract load, to be calculated prior to the application of the 2% on-schedule increase
2% of the total pay for non-contract faculty’s Spring 2025 non-contract load, to be calculated prior to the application of the 2% on schedule increase
language to clarify the second salary chart in 3.3 (years of service steps)
the district rejected the service increments that would start sooner for part-time faculty members and increase more frequently
In our counter on Friday, November 22, AFT used the results and your feedback from our last survey to counter with the following:
a 7% wage increase, rejecting the district’s 2%
a one-time off-schedule payment
$5000 for contract faculty
a prorated amount of $2500 based on the contract load indicated in all Fall 2024 non-contract assignments to all faculty with .67 or less FTE., including all contract faculty loads that exceed beyond 1.00 FTE
a prorated amount of $2500 based on the contract load indicated in all Spring 2025 non-contract assignments to all faculty with .67 or less FTE., including all contract faculty loads that exceed beyond 1.00 FTE
additional clarifying language and a new title for the second salary chart in 3.3 (years of service steps)
varying percentages for the first four steps of the Faculty Hourly Assignment Schedule to reflect more equitable and even increment changes
service increments that would start sooner for part-time faculty members and increase more frequently
The district stated the district and the board are not comfortable with offering more than the 2% raise and one-time payout, even after AFT repeatedly mentioned their large reserve. We pointed out that over the past five years, the district continues to over budget and underspend. We reminded them of the high cost of housing, the high cost of living, and where our pay ranks in the state, but nothing seems to influence them to move the needle. Most important, we learned the district is very aware of how low our salaries rank when compared to other community college districts in the state.
I am excited to announce that AFT 1828 recently finalized the new negotiations team for the Major CBA Reopener. The team I will lead includes:
Lee Ballestero - FT Moorpark College (Political Science)
America Barroso – FT Oxnard College (Veterans/DSPS Counselor)
Russell Gardner – FT Ventura College (Auto)
Lilia Ruvacalba – FT Oxnard (Math)
Joe Selzler – FT Ventura College (Chemistry)
Angela Wilkins – PT Moorpark College (Math)
This team diligently worked over the past few weeks to create a survey that will gather feedback from our members about the upcoming CBA Reopener. The invitation to the survey will be sent to all union members’ VCCCD outlook emails this afternoon. If you do not see it, please check your spam folder. If you still have not found it, please email me as soon as possible. The survey will close promptly on Tuesday, December 3 at midnight.
The Major CBA Reopener Survey will allow AFT to capture faculty perspectives on current issues we could address during the upcoming negotiations. We will take what we learn from your feedback to generate proposals and design more focused surveys throughout negotiations. Most important, it will allow AFT to collect and verify member contact information for future surveys, ratification votes, and organizing. With this stated, it is imperative that all members fill out the survey and provide accurate contact information. Please encourage your colleagues who are members to complete it ASAP.
The Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team met with the district on Friday, November 15. Both sides engaged in productive and robust conversations throughout the afternoon.
AFT provided the district with a counter to the actual two-year calendar and counters to all remaining articles (Three and Five).
The district countered with their proposal for the calendar. All that’s left before a tentative agreement to the two-year compressed calendar is for both sides to proof and correct listed dates.
Unfortunately, our team received mixed messages from the district about finalizing these negotiations before the end of the semester. It’s important to understand that the majority of what AFT proposed was previously presented and/or discussed in prior meetings. In our counter, there were only three new items; two were also discussed in the prior meeting. None of the three involve a monetary obligation by the district.
On November 20, a small work group composed of AFT and district team members met to discuss and hash out the details to a part of AFT's Article Five proposal that centers on standardizing class lengths for full term face-to-face courses in a compressed calendar. Using the guidance recently provided by the State Chancellor’s Office and Title 5, the two sides looked at other districts with the same term length multiplier to identify different alternatives. This meeting ended more amicably.
Compressed Calendar -
Friday, December 6
Wednesday, December 11
Article Three Reopener - Friday, December 13
AFT hopes to finalize negotiations before the end of the semester so we may focus on the CBA Reopener in the spring. Meetings will occur up to the very last day of the semester and I will update the membership once they conclude. If the Compressed Calendar and the Article Three Reopener are settled, union members will need to ratify both agreements when we return from Winter Break. Please keep a close watch on the email you provide in the survey.
If you have questions or wish to comment, please feel free to email me.
In unity,
Nathan Cole
Acting Chief Negotiator
November 13, 2024
Good Morning Faculty,
We hope you and your loved ones remain safe. AFT 1828 has been closely monitoring the
Mountain Fire and all campus activities over the past week to ensure the safety of our
members and our students. This update will be brief since the fire interrupted quite a bit of the
negotiating process. We will follow up once AFT and the district conducts the upcoming
negotiations in the next few weeks.
Once AFT’s survey about the district’s proposal for the reopener of Article Three closed on
Monday, October 28, our team used the data to create our counter for the district. According
to the results, the majority of members rejected the 2% increase in salaries offered by the
district but wished to move many of the additional items we proposed to the Major CBA
Reopener this coming spring. With this, the team countered with a 7% increase to faculty
salaries for 2024/25.
Also, in our meeting on October 14, the district stated they were interested in discussing the
annual service increments for non-contract faculty in 3.9.C. In our counter, AFT proposed
service increments that would start much sooner in a part-time faculty member’s service to the
district and increase more frequently. In addition, AFT is seeking clarifying language for our
members to better understand the second salary chart in 3.3 (years of service steps).
The district agreed to provide their counter to this proposal by Friday, November 8, but the
Mountain Fire delayed their progress. Their team stated their new target date for a counter is
this coming Friday, November 15. The next negotiation meeting for the Article Three Reopener
is scheduled for November 22.
The team was scheduled to meet with the district on Wednesday, November 6, but this
meeting was canceled due to the Mountain Fire. Our next negotiations meeting with the
district is planned for November 15.
AFT 1828 interviewed potential candidates for the team this past Friday. We have additional
interviews scheduled for this week. We will update our members once the new team is
In unity,
Nathan Cole
Acting Chief Negotiator/Secretary
October 22, 2024
Greetings Faculty.
Below is our progress on three different areas we are currently negotiating or preparing to negotiate.
AFT’s Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team met with the district on October 9 and October 11.
AFT and the district are seeking guidance from the State Chancellor’s Office about how a week is defined for districts with a compressed calendar now that they are using the new Standardized Attendance Accounting Method. This information will allow both sides to accurately negotiate where to place flex days within the academic year.
The district explained a new more simplified formula for calculating the length of class in a compressed academic calendar for full semester courses. AFT will verify it for accuracy and its relationship to the guidance put forth by the state in relationship to the term length multiplier.
AFT presented the district with the many tasks associated with converting courses from a 17.5-week semester to a 16-week semester.
AFT’s Article Three Reopener team met with the district on October 14 to hear their counter offer to our initial proposal.
The district insists that we only negotiate salary for 2024/25 as written in the current CBA.
Their team stated the district is very interested in negotiating many of the other items we placed in our initial proposal, but want to wait until we are in the major CBA reopener to hash out the details for those many items.
The district stated they looked at their current general budget and only feel comfortable offering a 2% raise across the board to all salary schedules.
AFT reiterated the many facts and statistics used to support our initial proposal, but the district stated they can only offer 2% for the current 2024/2025 academic year.
AFT will be sending a survey to AFT members Tuesday evening to gather member responses about the district’s offer. Once we receive guidance from the membership, we will know the best way to proceed with negotiating this item. The survey will be completely anonymous and will take less than two minutes. Please note the survey will close at midnight, Monday, October 28.
AFT 1828 is still finalizing our team for the major CBA reopener. The current team members will be meeting later this week to discuss strategies and plan for the upcoming negotiations. We are still looking for non-contract and non-classroom faculty from both Moorpark and Oxnard Colleges to serve on the team. If you are interested in joining, please contact the chief negotiator, Nathan Cole and AFT 1828 president, Teresa Bonham. Negotiations with the district are scheduled to begin in Spring 2025.
October 7, 2024
Good Morning Faculty,
AFT 1828 has been extremely busy this semester advocating for faculty interests with the VCCCD. Currently we are in the process of negotiating (or preparing to negotiate) three different items. Allow me to share our progress on each.
September 20: AFT’s Compressed Calendar Negotiations team met with the district to plan the move forward with the new timeline for converting to a sixteen-week semester. We scheduled five meetings and mutually agreed that our goal target date for finishing negotiations on the compressed calendar would be November 15.
September 26: Four of AFT’s team members attended the virtual webinar offered by the State Chancellor’s Office explaining the guidance for the Standard Attendance Accounting Method.
September 27:
The district forwarded the memo by the State Chancellor’s Office explaining the new regulations that will alter how districts calculate Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) for credit courses. It explains the updates to Title 5, Section 58003.1, and the addition of Section 58003.2, which introduces the new Standardized Attendance Accounting Method. Note the section on page four titled “College Term Length Multipliers (TLM)”.
In our meeting with the district’s negotiations team that same afternoon, AFT continued to negotiate the Nonconforming Courses, Disciplines and Programs Pilot from Article Nine. We are close to finishing and are awaiting district acceptance of one minor detail. The new academic calendar for 2024/2025 must be negotiated with the district before we may address the 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 compressed academic calendars. Once this is complete, we will TA on Article Nine.
For Article Three, the district once again rejected our proposal for stipend for faculty to convert to the compressed calendar. AFT continued to advocate and proposed various options that might bring the two sides closer to an agreement.
Future Meetings: There are two compressed calendar negotiations meetings scheduled for the month of October (October 9 and October 11).
Team Members: As a reminder, the members of the AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team include:
Nathan Cole (chief), Theatre Arts, Ventura College, ncole.aft1828@gmail.com
Angelica Gonzales, Counseling, Ventura College
Christina Lee, Nursing Coordinator, Moorpark College
Dr. Letty Mojica, Transfer Counselor, Oxnard College
Angela Wilkins, Math, Moorpark College
October 2: AFT’s Article Three Reopener Negotiations Team conducted our first meeting with the district to present our proposal. The team members for these specific negotiations include:
Nathan Cole (chief), Theatre Arts, Ventura College, ncole.aft1828@gmail.com
Kammy Algiers - Biology, Ventura College
Lilia Rubacalva, Math, Oxnard College
Angela Wilson, Math, Moorpark College
Future Meetings: We have additional meetings planned with the district for October 14 and November 1.
Highlights from AFT’s proposal: Faculty are encouraged to review AFT’s rationale for proposing the following items:
Salary Increases: Increase all faculty salary schedules by funded COLA and 13% effective July 1, 2024, 7% effective July 1, 2025, and 7% effective July 1, 2026.
COLA Passthrough: If the district receives an approved and funded COLA, the District will allocate 100% of faculty’s share towards all salary schedules.
Increase “Years of Service” Increments: Service increments based on years of service to the Ventura County Community College District shall be added to the base salaries of contract faculty at a higher percentage.
Increase Steps in Non-Contract Salary Schedules by Five: Starting Fall 2024, faculty at Step 7 on non-contract salary schedules shall be assigned to one of the new five steps based on the process outlined in 3.13 of Article Three.
AFT 1828 is still working to finalize our team for the major CBA reopener. We are currently look for non-contract and non-classroom faculty from both Moorpark and Oxnard Colleges to serve on the team. If you are interested in joining, please contact the chief negotiator, Nathan Cole and AFT 1828 president, Teresa Bonham. Negotiations with the district are scheduled to begin in Spring 2025.
If you have questions or comments about any of the negotiations, please feel free to email me. Both teams encourage feedback from our members, which continues to serve as an invaluable resource for negotiations.
In unity,
Nathan Cole
Acting Chief Negotiator
September 4, 2024
Dear Faculty,
The negotiations team met with the district last night, September 3 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Unfortunately, there was not much movement with the District on the issues we raised in the AFT What’s Up held August 28.
The compressed calendar changes the nature of our working conditions. We continue to request specifics in regards to how the hours of faculty work schedules will be calculated and converted in a compressed calendar. In turn, we must understand how this will affect wages. Faculty hours, wages, and working conditions are mandatory subjects that dictate the terms and conditions of our employment and they must be negotiated.
We did not receive the specifics we continue to request this past Monday evening.
The Board of Trustees must first vote yes on the newly negotiated CBA for the district to transition to a compressed calendar. Next week is the September board meeting. Then the district must submit our materials to the State Chancellor’s Office for 2025-2026.
If negotiations cannot conclude before Tuesday, the District will not be able to transition to a compressed academic calendar in 2025-2026.
For details on negotiations progress up through to this point, please refer to the AFT What’s Up held on August 28 and the video you may view here.
In unity,
AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team
Nathan Cole (Chief Negotiator), Theatre Arts, Ventura College, ncole.aft1828@gmail.com
Teresa Bonham (President of AFT Local 1828), English, Oxnard College, tbonham@aft1828.org
Angelica Gonzales, Counseling, Ventura College
Christina Lee, Nursing Coordinator, Moorpark College
Dr. Letty Mojica, Transfer Counselor, Oxnard College
Angela Wilkins, Math, Moorpark College
August 29, 2024
Dear Members,
Last night the negotiations team hosted an emergency virtual AFT Know What’s Up to receive your feedback about our progress and to explain some concerning issues we’ve encountered negotiating the Compressed Calendar with the district. In addition, we shared AFT's proposal for the Article Three Reopener.
Below is the video (and transcript) from the event.
To review important documents covered in the video, please review the following:
To offer feedback or share your comments, please reach out to one of the team members or your campus VP.
In unity,
AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team
Nathan Cole (Chief Negotiator), Theatre Arts, Ventura College, ncole.aft1828@gmail.com
Teresa Bonham (President of AFT Local 1828), English, Oxnard College, tbonham@aft1828.org
Angelica Gonzales, Counseling, Ventura College
Christina Lee, Nursing Coordinator, Moorpark College
Dr. Letty Mojica, Transfer Counselor, Oxnard College
Angela Wilkins, Math, Moorpark College
August 12, 2024
Greeting Faculty,
The AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team would like to welcome you back to what looks to be an eventful semester. Over the summer, the team engaged in numerous negotiations meetings with the district.
AFT presented a negotiation update at the AFT Know What’s Up event held this past Thursday during flex at the three campuses. For those who could not attend, AFT reached a tentative agreement with the district on Article Six at our last negotiation meeting held on July 12. Highlights of that agreement include:
If a non-contract faculty member’s class is canceled, they shall be paid for one week of an assigned class whenever that class is canceled less than two (2) weeks before the beginning of a primary semester in which the class was to be offered, and they are not offered a different section of the same course. For short-term or intersession class canceled less than two weeks before, non-contract faculty will be paid for 1/16 of the course.
If a non-contract faculty’s class is reassigned less than two (2) weeks before the beginning of the primary semester in which the class was to be offered, and they are not offered a different section of the same course, the non-contract faculty member shall be paid for one week of an assigned class. For a short-term class or intersession, non-contract faculty will be paid for 1/16 of the course.
The only articles left on the table to negotiate for Compressed Calendar are Article Three (Salary), Five (Workload), and Nine (Academic Calendar). We are very close on Article Three and Article Nine.
The team has the following meetings scheduled for the month of August:
August 14
August 21
August 23
August 26
In order to aid with our proposal for Article Five, union members who are non-instructional faculty (both full and part-time) will receive an email from Survey Monkey focusing on their specific concerns and needs. This anonymous survey will take approximately five minutes to complete and will close Saturday, August 17 at midnight.
Non-instructional union members received a link through email directly from Survey Monkey earlier this morning (Monday, August 12). It was emailed to the address provided by the union member to AFT specifically for communication purposes. If for any reason you did not receive the last survey link or this current one, please check your spam folder. If you do not find it there, please contact Nathan Cole as soon as possible with the email address where you would like the survey sent. Please do not wait until the last minute or there may not be time to resolve problems.
If you are not a member, please consider joining the union to participate in the process.
It continues to be an honor to advocate for our faculty. We look forward to your future participation.
In unity,
Your AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team
Nathan Cole (chief), Theatre Arts, Ventura College, ncole.aft1828@gmail.com
Teresa Bonham, English, Oxnard College, tbonham@aft1828.org
Angelica Gonzales, Counseling, Ventura College
Christina Lee, Nursing Coordinator, Moorpark College
Dr. Letty Mojica, Transfer Counselor, Oxnard College
Angela Wilkins, Math, Moorpark College
June 16, 2024
Greetings faculty!
The AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team continues our fight for your faculty rights. Although the spring semester ended and we are off contract, the team is committed to completing our due diligence and advocating in the best interest of our union brothers and sisters. We cannot thank those members who participated in our past few surveys enough. Your feedback and responses continue to serve as invaluable resources to support our proposals and arguments as we meet with the district and negotiate the conversion to a compressed calendar.
Since our last update on May 13, AFT met with the district three times (May 29, May 31, and June 10). Through these negotiations, we reached tentative agreements with minor changes on the following articles:
Article 8 - Leaves
Article 13 – Department Chairs
Article 17 – Federation Rights
In addition, the negotiations team was able to reach tentative agreements on more impactful articles that support our union goals:
ARTICLE 4 – Health Benefits
FASTER/EASIER ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH BENEFITS FOR PART-TIME FACULTY. A non‐contract faculty member who has been employed by the District for four or more semesters and/or intersessions, and who has taught an average load of 0.40 or greater for the preceding fall and spring semester and/or intersessions within a two-year period will now be eligible for coverage. This means part-time faculty may now use classes they teach during the intersession to qualify for eligibility for health benefits to cover them and their families.
ARTICLE 11 – Tenure
BETTER TIMELINE FOR TENURE. Although not what we originally proposed, AFT negotiated a new timetable for the tenure process that will benefit faculty more than what was proposed by the district. This includes an extra week for first year tenure- candidates before student appraisals begin.
PAY FOR OFF-CONTRACT TENURE COMMITTEE MEETINGS. With the inclusion of a new winter intersession, the new calendar will add a month between semesters as we finalize decisions for tenure candidates. Now, if a president calls a committee meeting while committee members are off contract, faculty serving on the committee will be paid their hourly rate to attend and participate in said meeting for up to two hours.
ARTICLE 12 - Evaluation
MAINTAIN 40% THRESHOLD FOR SHORT-TERM COURSES. We were able to maintain the proportional adjustment period of 40% in the duration of the course calendar so that student appraisals and observations would not begin before this point in the class.
MORE TIME FOR NEW PART-TIME FACULTY. For new non-contract faculty members, student appraisals will not begin before the fifth (5) week in their first semester of assignment of full semester courses, and proportionally adjusted for short semester assignments.
There is a negotiations meeting scheduled with the district on Friday, July 12. There are four articles left on the table to negotiate:
Article 3 – Salary
Article 5 – Work Load
Article 6 – Class Size
Article 9 – Academic Calendar
We have been assured by the district there is no intent to lower pay as we convert to a compressed
calendar, but scheduling remains unclear. We are waiting for the district to complete some research in order to clarify how scheduling will be converted in a compressed calendar and how equity and fairness will be reflected in the new block schedule. Once we receive this information, we will complete our proposal for Article Five and should be able wrap up our work with the remaining articles.
Please be on the lookout for the most up-to-date information over the next month. Our work is not complete. We still need your guidance and support. Your previous feedback truly empowered us to negotiate these past few months. To provide updates, answer questions, and solicit additional feedback from the membership, the team will host a virtual AFT What’s Up on July 19th at 1:30 PM. We encourage all faculty to attend.
AFT is extremely interested in faculty perceptions on how the compressed calendar will affect the
scheduling of labs and their hours. In addition, we are eager to hear from non-classroom about their concerns with the compressed calendar beyond what the team has already identified. If for any reason you cannot attend, we will post a recording of the event on the AFT website for our membership. If you have questions or comments that you would like addressed, do not hesitate to contact the chief or one of our team members.
It has been an honor to serve our faculty in this important initiative and we look forward to your future participation.
In unity,
Your AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team
Nathan Cole (chief), Theatre Arts, Ventura College, ncole.aft1828@gmail.com
Teresa Bonham, English, Oxnard College, tbonham@aft1828.org
Angelica Gonzales, Counseling, Ventura College
Christina Lee, Nursing Coordinator, Moorpark College
Dr. Letty Mojica, Transfer Counselor, Oxnard College
Angela Wilkins, Math, Moorpark College
May 13, 2024
Hello Faculty,
We want to thank you all for your patience and all those who attended our “AFT What’s Up” gatherings to learn of our progress on the compressed calendar. We would also like to thank the faculty senates for allowing us to present in senate meetings to keep faculty informed about the negotiations process. We apologize in advance, but this is a long email and we urge you to read, and re-read it.
The AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team has been busy working hard this entire semester fulfilling our due diligence to represent faculty in this important initiative.
The team meets approximately three and a half hours each week (with standing meetings on Wednesdays and some Fridays) when not in negotiations with the district
The co-chiefs meet an average of four or more additional hours weekly to organize the team, research key issues, and to create/revise surveys, proposals, and communications.
Collectively, we have met with the district’s negotiations team only five times this entire semester. Finals week started this past Friday and we go off contract this coming Thursday. In our last meeting this Friday, they said they are “willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work,” so we can make more progress; more progress in mid-May, when faculty are off contract.
As stated in previous negotiations updates, the district’s team makes it extremely difficult to schedule meetings due to their busy schedules, even after AFT consistently informs them that our team blocked out our schedules to reserve Wednesdays and Fridays for negotiations meetings each week. This continued obstacle stands in the way of progress towards an agreement, although we’ve been ready to negotiate all semester. We cannot do this without both sides at the table.
On April 21, 2024 we presented the district with our full proposals to the following articles:
Article Three
Article Six
Article Eight
Article Nine
Article Thirteen
Article Seventeen
the compressed academic calendar for AY 2025/26 and AY 2026/27
At this same meeting, the district presented their counter proposals to the following articles:
Article One
Article Four
Article Eleven
Article Twelve
A sample block schedule
On Friday, May 10, the District started with the implication that AFT was holding up the negotiations process. Their chief negotiator stated the district was already behind with the implementation of many support systems needed to successfully launch an academic year within a compressed calendar, and they weren’t sure if they were going to be able to make the Fall 2025 deadlines. In addition, the District gave us a compressed calendar history lesson, failing to remember they provided our team members with all previous documents from their two work groups.
In this same meeting, the district presented their counters to the following articles:
Article Three
Article Six
Article Eight
Article Nine
Article Thirteen
Article Seventeen
the compressed academic calendar for AY 2025/26 and AY 2026/27
Through each counter, the district continues to reject the areas of our proposals focused on the specifics of the compressed calendar, reverting to their original proposals. (Click the link for more details.) This means there is little to no movement on major issues that will affect faculty, offering only one perspective to the transition.
The District wants AFT to agree to enter into a compressed calendar starting Fall 2025
The District wants AFT to agree to start and end dates for the compressed academic calendar so managers and classified employees can do their jobs, related to the calendar for years 25/26.
They also suggested that we agree to the entire academic calendar for 2025/26.
After our meeting, AFT learned that one of the key administrators on the district's team stated in a meeting with faculty that the district was not certain we will have a compressed calendar by 2025/2026. This came as a surprise to AFT’s team and demystified the monologue we heard at the top of the meeting. All of this comes directly following our near finish with presenting the district with more robust proposals.
In reference to their “ask”, AFT holds serious concerns with agreeing to enter into a compressed calendar without specific details negotiated in each of the affected articles. We strongly believe the details are the most important aspect of the calendar. AFT is very aware of faculty perceptions on the compressed calendar from our recent surveys, which is why we are working hard completing our due diligence. AFT’s Negotiations Team is determined to avoid any unintended consequences by rushing into an agreement and harming faculty rights.
Their “ask” appears like a request for a blank check from faculty without agreeing to any of the crucial details. The compressed calendar touches numerous areas of the CBA, which the district work group acknowledged in the documents they created prior to negotiations. If we agree to accept a compressed calendar without negotiating these significant details, faculty rights will be lost. We vow to continue with our due diligence by carefully analyzing the CBA, as well as the CBAs of other community colleges, to successfully transition to a compressed calendar that maintains equity for all faculty.
FOR UPDATES ON REJECTED AFT LANGUAGE IN ARTICLES BY THE DISTRICT, please visit the AFT Compressed Calendar Updates webpage.
TO OFFER SPECIFIC FEEDBACK ABOUT THE ARTICLE PROPOSALS, AFT members will receive a third survey this coming Tuesday; please look for it in your email and participate. We want to include your voice in our work.
BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR COMPRESSED CALENDAR SURVEY THREE. A link through email directly from Survey Monkey on Tuesday, May 14. The survey will close on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at midnight. Please confirm receipt of the email from Survey Monkey within the first few days so AFT may quickly solve any issues.
OVER THE SUMMER, we will continue to share updates both via email and via the web page. Please continue to check both to stay informed.
In unity,
Your AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team
Teresa Bonham (co-chief), English, Oxnard College, tbonham@aft1828.org
Nathan Cole (co-chief), Theatre Arts, Ventura College, ncole.aft1828@gmail.com
Angelica Gonzales, Counseling, Ventura College
Christina Lee, Nursing Coordinator, Moorpark College
Dr. Letty Mojica, Transfer Counselor, Oxnard College
Angela Wilkins, Math, Moorpark College
March 22, 2024
With the close of the second survey, the team identified requests for further information, and aspects of the compressed calendar negotiations where members seemed to be confused. Below is a presentation based on those findings that we presented March 21 at the AFT Know What's Up (hosted at Moorpark College) and also presented to the Ventura College Academic Senate.
March 18, 2024
Dear Members,
Now that you’ve received the second survey and offered your feedback, the AFT Compressed Calendar Negotiations Team wanted to brief you on the progress of negotiations. Below is a timeline and update to this point:
February 23/Third Meeting - The district reviewed some guiding principles that shape the creation of a compressed calendar:
The calendar must contain a minimum total of 175 instructional days in the primary semesters in the academic year (fall + spring). In a compressed calendar, this may be achieved by counting Saturdays.
There must be at least three (3) instructional days in a week for it to count as one week in the academic calendar
Student Contact Hours are critical for students earning unit-credits
Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH) and Daily Student Contact Hours are critical for funding formulas (used for calculating Full-Time Equivalent Students – FTES)
The district provided AFT with their initial proposal of a two-year compressed calendar. AFT asked clarifying questions about the district’s presentation and numerous ones based on issues that were not addressed in the district’s initial proposals.
February 29 - Compressed Calendar update to members during AFT Know What’s Up hosted at Oxnard College.
March 11 - Second AFT Compressed Calendar survey emailed to members
March 13/Fourth Meeting - The district answered AFT’s follow up questions based on unanswered questions in our prior meeting. AFT negotiations team presented our proposals for Article 1, 4, 11, & 12.
The infrequency of meetings with VCCCD due to the busy schedules of the district’s team means information is coming from their side slowly. On January 9, AFT’s team informed the district that we each arranged our teaching/work schedules to meet in the early afternoons on Wednesdays and all day on Fridays, yet it was difficult to schedule more. Over the past several weeks, our team discussed materials and legislation related to the compressed calendar, built and analyzed proposals, and created and analyzed the results of our member surveys. In addition, we presented at our first AFT campus meeting (AFT Know What’s Up) at Oxnard College on February 29.
Dr. Letty Mojica, a Transfer Counselor at Oxnard College, will be joining the AFT negotiations team as a new member. Together, we will continue to meet weekly as a team to complete our due diligence for our members. Now that we received the district’s initial proposal for a two-year compressed calendar and surveyed our members for feedback, we hope to increase the regularity of negotiations meetings and move at a quicker pace. Our next scheduled negotiations meeting is April 17, where AFT will present our proposal for the two-year compressed calendar and most, if not all, of the articles we intend to open.
There will be two additional campus meetings this semester where union members may engage the team. We highly encourage each of you to attend these important gatherings to hear about the latest developments in negotiations and to offer us feedback. We hope to see you there!
AFT Know What’s Up - March 21 at Moorpark College from 3:00 -5:00 PM in HSS 121
AFT Know What’s Up- April 23 at Ventura College from 4:00 to 6:00 PM in PAC 119 (Studio Theatre)
For more information about the guiding principles above and other regulations in regards to compressed calendars, please review the addendum to the Student Attendance Accounting Manual.
February 20, 2024
Good Morning Faculty,
The team would like to update you on the process of negotiations on the calendar for AY 2024-2025 and the compressed calendar. First, we have signed a tentative agreement with the district on the next academic calendar. You will find this attached in the email we sent.
In regards to the calendar for AY 2024-2025, please note we fiercely advocated for flex days to be held the two days before Thanksgiving Break, but this means adding another week to the semester. In order to maintain a reasonable break between the fall and spring semesters, we opted for other dates within the fall. We were able to schedule the Friday and Saturday before Easter as non-instructional days.
In regards to the compressed calendar, on January 23, we received the district’s remaining proposal that included Articles 5, 6, 9, and a corrected Article 4. The team is currently working to develop our own proposal based on what the district provided. Our next meeting with the district is scheduled for Friday, February 23.
To best serve our members, we feel it necessary to provide details associated with moving to a sixteen-week semester. On Tuesday, February 20, members will receive an invitation to an introductory survey that will provide us with data on faculty member knowledge and opinions about various aspects of the compressed calendar. Please look for the invitation from Survey Monkey in the personal email you provided to AFT 1828. If you do not receive it before midweek, please check your spam folder. If you do not find it, please reach out to Co-Chief Negotiators Teresa Bonham (tbonham@aft1828.org) or Nathan Cole (ncole.aft1828@gmail.com) so they may work to resolve the issue.
Once we learn about your opinions and concerns, the team will develop materials to present to our members that address any misconceptions, opinions, and other concerns. Members will have until Monday, February 26 at midnight to complete it. From this, we will conduct additional surveys that will allow us to negotiate your rights within the articles affected by a compressed calendar. Moreover, AFT 1828 will develop a series of presentations to update our members on the negotiation’s progress.
January 24, 2024
Greetings Faculty,
Welcome back to another exciting spring at VCCCD. We are excited to announce that negotiations for the compressed calendar began Wednesday, January 10, 2024. AFT worked diligently this past fall to recruit, train, and organize the negotiations team so we could begin promptly at the start of the spring semester. Your team members are as follows:
· Angelica Gonzalez – Full-time Counselor, Ventura College
· Christina Lee – Coordinator of Nursing, Moorpark
· Leo Orange – Coordinator of DSPS (EAC), Oxnard
· Angela Wilkins – Part-time Math, Moorpark
· Teresa Bonham, Full-time English, Oxnard (co-chief)
· Nathan Cole, Full-time Theatre Arts, Ventura College (co-chief)
During the first meeting, the district presented proposals on Articles 3, 4, 8, 11 & 12. On Wednesday, January 24, their team plans to present proposals on Article 5, 6, and 9. Once we receive VCCCD’s entire initial proposal, the team will work to develop our own proposal to the compressed calendar and its effects on faculty rights.
This is where faculty input will becomes crucial. As negotiations progress, the team will send a variety of surveys to our union members. Please be on the lookout for survey announcements from our Acting AFT President, Lillia Ruvalcaba, and complete them respond as soon as possible. Your voice will be instrumental in developing proposals that reflect the will of our union members. In addition, we will conduct campus meetings throughout the next three months to solicit input from our members and present developments in the negotiation process. If you are not a union member, please consider joining to participate in the process. You can access the membership form by clicking here.
We will continue to update this page through the negotiations.